Natural Born Learner 2
Understanding that learning is a gradual process allows you to keep a positive view of the learning.
In addition, viewing learning as a challenge that requires incremental steps will allow you to appreciate progress as well as mastery.
Why it’s important: Employees that enjoy challenges are invaluable to employers. Employees that are willing to do whatever it takes, to learn whatever is needed, and remain undaunted in the face of failure, are rare these days. If you exhibit a determined, positive, growth mindset, you’ll be appreciated and valued in the workplace and in life.
Reaching the peak, one step at a time.
We can compare learning anything to taking a hike or climbing a mountain. The peak of the mountain might seem very far away. But by taking one step at a time, you will eventually reach your goal.
Read the comments for each image below, and write your answers or observations in your journal.

Have you ever gone online to learn how to do something? Do you do it often? Do you enjoy it?

Have you every learned something outside of the classroom? Where?

Have you ever learned something from a family member or family friend? Was it enjoyable? If so, what made it enjoyable?

Have you ever taught yourself a creative skill? Like playing an instrument or creating artwork? Did you enjoy the learning process? Why or why not?
List three things that you want to learn.
They can be anything: how to make, build, cook or play something. How to learn a new game, skill, or process.
Write down how you will go about learning at least one of the items on the list in the next week. Who or what will teach you? Where? How?
Do you remember going to the beach or park as a child? No one needed to tell you to go explore, to pick things up, be curious, to learn. You just did those things naturally.
Don’t forget the love you had for learning as a child. Don’t forget how easy it was, and can be, for you to learn new things.
Watch the video from a MindSage workshop in Madagascar.
Metacognitive assignment: Your view of yourself.
Do you believe that you are good at learning? That you have a tremendous ability to learn?
Do you believe that when given enough time and assistance as needed you can learn whatever you set your mind to?
During the rest of the week, make an effort to recognize whether you hold a positive or negative perspective regarding your capacity to acquire new knowledge.
Thought of the day.
With the right mindset, you can make the impact you were born to make.