Feel great about yourself.
Feel great about your abilities. Feel great about your future.
The MindSage Durable Skills Program had its roots in internship training. Crafted by seasoned professionals, it serves as the swiftest route to shift students from a 'classroom mindset' to a professional work environment. Through collaborative efforts with educators, the program has been honed to seamlessly bridge the gap between education and the dynamic demands of the workplace.

Professional durable skills are highly valued by employers.
Don’t just take our word for it:
9 Soft Skills Employers Are Looking for in 2022
Employers Are Looking For Leaders With Soft Skills
The Hard Facts About Soft Skills
“When choosing between two seemingly equal candidates, organizations are now prioritizing “soft skills” as the key differentiator. In fact, in LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report, 92% of talent acquisition professionals reported that soft skills are equally or more important to hire for than hard skills. And, 89% said that when a new hire doesn’t work out, it’s because they lack critical soft skills.”- www.peoplescout.com
MindSage is the product of educators and business professionals coming together to create a program that bridges the gap between school and the workplace.
What we train students to develop, is what employers want.
Employers can’t be fooled.
You can’t just list durable/soft skills on your resume without actually possessing them.
Our lessons give you the opportunity to develop the professional durable skills employers value most, in a setting that will provide you with work experience.
Mindsage will prepare you for what comes after school. Know what to expect, so you can thrive in the workplace.
Beyond Academics
MindSage employs a metacognitive approach to facilitate profound self-discovery. We empower you to make enduring changes at your core, changes that will benefit you throughout your lifetime.
The mindsets, attitudes, habits, traits, and qualities we encourage you to cultivate will not only provide you with an advantage in your current academic pursuits but will also pave the way for future success in the workplace and in life.
Check out the research and recommendations driving durable skills policy at durableskills.org

Don’t Leave Your Future Success to Chance
If you’re ready to bridge the gap between school and the workplace, become a member.
If you’re ready to leave the school mindset and focus on self-development instead of grades and test scores, become a member.
If you’re ready to develop professional skills (based on actual soft skills concepts from top companies and organizations) in a real-world work setting designed to give you work experience, become a member.
Education beyond Academics
Success = academic education + durable skills + work experience
High School Students
What they’re saying.
College Students
High School Students