Influencer Types 1.3



This week we looked at who influences you, and how.

It was our goal to have you take an honest and candid look at who is helping shape how you think and act. We wanted you to become aware of who or what influences your mindset, attitudes, and habits.

Through metacognitive self-analysis, hopefully, you’ve:

  • Identified who, on a daily or at least weekly basis, influences you the most. It may be a family member, teammate, or friend(s). But at least now you are aware of exactly who that is, and how they influence you, should you need to make any changes.

  • You should have also had a chance to determine if social media and other types of media (games, music, magazines, or movies) are shaping how you think and act, or if you are developing any attitudes, mindsets, or traits that might have a negative impact on you when you enter the workforce.

  • Finally, it is our hope that you’ve chosen one or more role models. It could be a close relative or public figure. A role model is a powerful aide in developing the traits employers are looking for.

Feel free to complete the metacognitive review below.


Now that you are keenly aware of how you are being influenced, for better or worse, you can make adjustments where needed.

Remember: Employers highly value individuals with specific mindsets, attitudes, qualities, and habits.

Make sure you’re developing those positive personal assets now.


  • Take an active role in choosing the people or media that impact the way you think, feel, and act. Don’t leave it to chance.

  • Find one or more role models, then try to imitate, emulate or otherwise learn and grow from their example.

  • Be aware of who you influence. What you say and do, or how you treat others can have a profoundly positive or negative effect!

One point we want to introduce as we transition to the next lesson about specific influencer types, is that it’s also important to become aware of who you influence, and how you influence them.

So between now and the next lesson, spend some time identifying who you influence. Then ask yourself the question: “Does my influence have a positive or negative effect?”

Another metacognitive exercise is to determine if you are influencing others without even being aware of your influence.

Thought of the day.

You can choose to be molded by those around you. Just make sure those who you allow to mold you have your best interest at heart.

Influence in the workplace.

Transitioning to the workplace.

Your ability to influence or be influenced by others will determine how productive, successful and valuable you are to your employer. Your ability to influence or be influenced will also determine how successful you will be as a leader, innovator, or business owner.