Yet Method 2
Understanding that learning is a gradual process allows you to keep a positive view of the learning.
In addition, viewing learning as a challenge that requires incremental steps will allow you to appreciate progress as well as mastery.
Why it’s important: Employees that enjoy challenges are invaluable to employers. Employees that are willing to do whatever it takes, to learn whatever is needed, and to remain undaunted in the face of failure, are rare these days. If you exhibit a determined, positive, growth mindset, you’ll be appreciated and valued in the workplace and in life.
Reaching the peak, one step at a time.
We can compare learning anything to taking a hike or climbing a mountain. The peak of the mountain might seem very far away. But by taking one step at a time, you will eventually reach your goal.
Read the comments for each image below, and write your answers or observations in your journal.

When hikers start out on a trip, they understand the goal is far away. But they're there for the adventure. They're not afraid of the hard work and effort that will be needed. They enjoy the challenge. How do you view the effort and work required to learn something new?

During the climb, the hiker only worries about his or her next step. They're ready to adjust, be flexible, and climb over, around, or under any obstacle right in front of them. They deal with obstacles as they arise. What obstacles do you have when learning something new?

Successful hikers enjoy the journey. They often take a look at how far they've come. They appreciate the view at each stage of the hike. Do you allow yourself to appreciate how far you've come? To appreciate the progress you've made when learning something new?

Reaching the top takes time. But you can reach it. The same thing applies to learning something new. With persistence, you can learn it. It's also good to keep in mind that like mountain climbing, even after reaching the peak, there are many other mountains left to climb. What skills, talents or subjects have you become very good at or knowledgeable about?
The fact that reaching the peak of any mountain allows you to see surrounding mountains, reminds a hiker that there are many mountains to summit.
Likewise, you will be learning all your life. Learning is a constant part of life. Failure is a constant part of learning. Accepting this fact allows you to have a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset.
A Growth Mindset allows you to understand failure is a part of learning, and therefore you can learn whatever you set your mind to.
A Fixed Mindset tells you failure is an indication that you can’t learn, and therefore you can’t learn more than you know.
Questions for reflection
Based on the pdf above, would you say you have a fixed or growth mindset?
Does your mindset change based on if you’re in school learning vs. when you’re learning something on your own outside of school?
Write down your answers and observations in your journal, or discuss them with others.
How can you develop a Growth Mindset?
See your challenges as opportunities. ...
Reflect each day on what you've failed at (and learned from)
Stop seeking approval from others.
Identify opportunities to celebrate the success of others.
Focus on rewarding actions, not traits.
Start using the word "yet" more often.
Metacognitive assignment: Your view of the learning process.
Do you have a positive view of learning? At school? at home? Make sure you’re noticing how and when you enjoy learning (or not), and why.
Thought of the day.
‘You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.’ –Richard Branson