Testing: Making it Work For Schools
We shared our durable skills training program with several high school teachers who loved what they saw. However, they pointed out that most high school students had already developed negative traits, qualities, habits, or mindsets before leaving middle school. They suggested that we adapt the program for middle school students. Over the next few years, we conducted pilot programs with middle schools.
Middle Schools: What We Learned.
Mission Dolores Academy, San Francisco - 2015 (One-Month Pilot)
Teachers lacked time to implement the original lessons due to their length.
Lessons were known as SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) lessons at the time, and SEL wasn't widely accepted/implemented at the time.
Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School, Hawaii - 2016-2018 (1.5 years Pilot)
Implemented a new format with three 15-20 minute weekly lessons, which proved to be more manageable.
Teacher buy-in was essential for success; supportive teachers made the program thrive.
Students who received lessons from supportive teachers reported changes in their behavior and thinking in various situations.
Hilo Intermediate School, Hawaii - 2017 (One Semester Pilot)
Implemented the first MindSage-specific Teacher Professional Development (PD).
Re-emphasized the importance of universal teacher buy-in and support for the program.
Noted that the program's success can be hampered by even a single dissenting teacher.
Some Middle school students may not be mature enough to comprehend the need to change or develop specific traits, qualities, or mindsets.
Based on what we had learned from our pilots, in 2019, we expanded our lessons from 15 to 30 core durable skills lessons. We also pivoted our focus back to high school students. In Addition:
In 2019, in collaboration with ALS (Accelerated Learning Solutions), we implemented the MindSage program in 19 schools across three states, primarily for at-risk students.
Currently, MindSage is operational in 22 schools across four states, including the Midland Technology and Innovation Charter School.
During 2020, we conducted our inaugural MindSage soft skills certification training workshop/internship. We conducted the two-month training courses online which proved effective and replicated both the real-world work environment and durable skills training we originally created.
In the summer of 2022, we launched MindSageAcademy.com with the purpose of offering durable skills/soft skills training to the general public. This approach bypasses the complexities associated with introducing the durable skills training program into school districts.
College and High School Students
What they’re saying.
Student feedback is key for continued improvement as well as proof of impact. Please watch the following videos:
College Students
High School Students