Why you need to learn professional skills (soft skills)

Just because you weren’t explicitly taught non-academic professional skills in school doesn’t mean they aren’t important. Less than 50% of college graduates can find a job the first year after graduating. Hiring manager site lack of soft skills (professional skills) as the primary reason.

The following are just some examples of what hiring managers and companies are looking for.

There is a need for more soft skills training, both in college and on the job, and today’s learners and graduates must continue to hone their skills to stay ahead,” Michael Hansen, chief executive officer of Cengage, said in a statement. “The onus is on everyone — students, colleges, employers and industry partners like Cengage — to make learning more accessible, relevant and affordable.
— https://www.insidehighered.com/

“When choosing between two seemingly equal candidates, organizations are now prioritizing “soft skills” as the key differentiator. In fact, in LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report, 92% of talent acquisition professionals reported that soft skills are equally or more important to hire for than hard skills. And, 89% said that when a new hire doesn’t work out, it’s because they lack critical soft skills.”- www.peoplescout.com

Google college+ soft skills. Do you think employers are finding enough graduates with professional soft skills?

9 Soft Skills Employers Are Looking for in 2022

Employers Are Looking For Leaders With Soft Skills

The Hard Facts About Soft Skills

College and Special Programs

We can provide references and LOR for most members who complete the full course.

Often times our recommendations are provided through a college application portal.

Note how the organization a MindSage alum applied for specifically asked us to rate soft skills.

Soft skills are immensely important. They are a greater indication of how you will positively impact the company than your GPA/SAT or other test scores.