Life Long Learner 1

(Grit, determination and flexibility)



Life is constantly changing. That means you need to be constantly learning and adapting. Technology, industries, the job market, and the economy are constantly changing and developing.

To be successful, you need to prepare yourself for whatever the future holds by always being willing to learn and develop new skills. You will need to be a lifelong learner. Not only do you need academic knowledge, but you also need to develop the skills that will allow you to apply what you know to:

  • Use technologies that have not yet been developed

  • Solve problems that have not yet arisen

  • Industries that do not yet exist.

What it is: Lifelong learning has been defined as a form of self-initiated education that is focused on personal development.

In Mindsage, we refer to a lifelong learner as someone who knows that learning doesn't end after graduation. A lifelong learner understands that learning is a part of life, and always will be.

Why it’s important: Even after leaving school, you’ll need to keep learning. Your employer may expect you to learn new technology, concept, or process once hired. Lessening any stress associated with learning now will allow you to easily face new learning challenges in the workplace and in life in the future.

This lesson is related to self-directed learning. While self-directed learning focuses on your natural desire to keep learning fueled by your innate curiosity, this lesson focuses on why you’ll need to keep learning to be successful in the workplace and life.

Primer Questions

  1. Do you believe you will still need to learn on a regular basis after you graduate from school?

  2. If you were provided the exact same education your parents or grandparents received in high school would it allow you to be successful in today’s world?

  3. Can you name three different technologies, tools, or industries that were not around when your grandparents were your age? How about when you parents were your age?

Write down your answers and observations in your journal.

Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn, and you will.

— Vernon Howard, Author

Life is a maze.

American author James Smith Dashner, known for speculative fiction wrote a book called ‘Maze Runner’. A movie was made based on his book.

In the book and movie, the young people’s living or dying depends on their ability to keep learning in ever-changing circumstances.

While becoming an independent adult might not be as daunting as the situation in the book, there are qualities of the characters in the story that you should endeavor to develop.

Then watch the lesson video and answer the questions below, or discuss them with others.

If you want to see a clip from the movie, click here.

Questions for reflection

  1. Would you volunteer to be a maze runner? Why or why not?

  2. What qualities besides courage would be required to be a maze runner?

  3. What challenge or circumstance are you most worried about facing as you enter the workplace as an adult?

Write down your answers and observations in your journal, or discuss them with others.

REMEMBER: Life is fluid. You will go through different stages in life.

Each stage may require you to learn more about yourself, new skills, new terminology, technology, processes, and perspectives.

The key to success? Never stop learning. Never stop developing who you are.

Metacognitive Assignment

From now until Wednesday, your metacognitive assignment is to notice how many things you do, see or use on a daily basis are completely different or not in existence at all, from when your grandparents were your age. For example, do you use your mobile phone daily? Did they? Make a list in your journal.

The goal is to appreciate and take to heart that the world constantly changes. In order to survive and thrive you need to keep up with those changes.

Thought of the day.

You never graduate from life.