Power of Possible 2
The power of possible mindset is the precursor to a growth mindset. On the other hand, self-doubt can lead to having a fixed mindset.
In addition, the power of possible mindset is needed for innovation. Innovation is a key trait employers look for in possible employees.
At the root of both innovation and the power of possible mindset is imagination.
A growth mindset means that you thrive on challenges, and don't see failure as a way to describe yourself but as a springboard for growth and development of your abilities. Your intelligence and talents are all susceptible to growth.
In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them.
Why it’s important: In the industrial age, your average worker was hired as a laborer in a factory. Their jobs require them to complete repetitive tasks, rather than innovate, problem-solve, or engage in research and development.
Today’s workplace requires much more of the typical employee. Employees are expected to take the initiative, work collaboratively with others and use their intellect and creativity to solve problems and create new products and industries.
So utilizing the power of possible now can help build a growth mindset. This in turn can eventually help you develop your ability to innovate and problem-solve in the workplace.
In addition, as we grow older we tend to dismiss the value of imagination. However, imagination is a key component that will allow you to be innovative in the workplace.
Primer Questions
What can prevent you or others from developing the power of possible mindset?
There’s a saying, "There is nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it. Anything is possible.” Is that something you personally can believe about yourself?
Write down your answers and observations in your journal.
Finding your reason why.
The more important and meaningful the possible outcome, the more likely you will believe achieving it is possible.
That means that if something is very important to you, you will more often try to reach that goal, or at least believe that it is impossible to reach that goal. If something is important enough, you will at least put forth the effort and try.
For some, good grades aren’t important enough for them to keep trying in a difficult subject. But what if the goal wasn’t to get a specific grade, but rather to develop the qualities of persistence and determination? Two qualities that are valued by employers? Could you focus on developing those qualities instead of a particular grade?
“Of all the things that can boost inner work life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work.” - Harvard Business Journal

You are living the impossible.
So much of your daily experience is taken for granted. What we mean by this is that much of what you do and use wouldn’t have been possible even ten or twenty years ago.
How have people harnessed the power of possible throughout history to create the world we live in today?
Watch the following video then create the different lists as directed below.
1) Make a list of things you do or use every day that was not even around when your grandparents (or parents) were your age.
2) Then make a list of things you do or use every day that would have been thought of as being impossible 100 or even 1000 years ago.
3) Finally, create a list of things that people may use or do in the future that isn’t yet a reality today.
The goal is for you to see evidence that truly, anything is possible. Even things that were once thought of as impossible.
Imagination’s important role.
The one quality that all inventors and innovators possess and develop is imagination.
Think about this: Everything that you use or do throughout the day had to be imagined before it was created. Everything.
The chair you’re sitting on. The computer or device you’re using right now. The place where you live and every appliance in it at one time did not exist, until someone imagined it.
When we were young we naturally had a very active imagination. As we age we tend to neglect this essential skill in favor of academic skills. Do you still develop your imagination?
Don’t underestimate imagination! Without imagination, people can not look at problems from new perspectives.
Thought of the day.
“Imagination is the number one tool for creativity and innovation. Without imagination, people cannot imagine how various solutions to a problem would work. Without imagination, people simply cannot dream up new ideas. Imagination provides the vision that allows people to see in their minds how a process will work from beginning to end. Imagination allows people to see what may go wrong in a process and envision how various solutions might solve those problems. Imagination allows leaders to envision the big picture and devise strategy.” -Hiring manager.