Influencer Types 2.2




  • In today’s interconnected global workplace, highly successful companies and organizations promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Why it’s important: You have most like been exposed to bias, prejudice, or stereotypes from your family, culture, or the media. Bringing that bias or prejudice into the workplace can hamper your success and effectiveness in the workplace.

Any bias or prejudices you have can impact your ability to collaborate, cooperate, communicate and problem solve effectively with others in the workplace.

Primer Questions

  1. Have you had a bad experience or interaction with someone of a specific nationality, race, or culture?

  2. Do you allow negative experiences with one individual to inform your opinion of that specific nationality or culture?

  3. Have you experienced prejudice towards you or your family/friends?

Write down your answers and observations in your journal.

Types of diversity:

  • Cultural diversity

  • Racial diversity

  • Religious diversity

  • Age diversity

  • Sex / Gender diversity

  • Sexual orientation

  • Disability

Equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Equity in the workplace means equal job opportunities and fairness for employees and job applicants. No one is given preferential treatment.

In other words, everyone is treated fairly and equally when it comes to opportunities, responsibilities, and compensation, no matter their race, gender, religion, education, or culture.

“Equity is the process of ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.”

Inclusion is the practice of ensuring that people feel a sense of belonging in the workplace no matter, among other things, their nationality, gender, or culture.

What does diversity mean to you? Why is it important, especially in the workplace? Write down your thoughts in your journal.

In the video below, can you see yourself in any of the situations? What role do you play?

NOTE: These videos are designed to explain basic principles. To enhance what you’re learning, try to teach the main points to someone else.


Metacognitive assignment review.

How are you doing with this week’s assignment?

Have you noticed if you have a default or dominant influencer type? Some people are Shapers most of the time. They’re the first to come up with a suggestion or idea. Some are naturally Neutralizers. These individuals are usually easy-going but will speak up if they hear a bad suggestion, or if an option doesn’t make sense to them. What type do you gravitate towards?

Also, take note of when you change your influencer type or role. Are you the same around your family as you are with your friends, in class, or on your school team or club?

If you change roles, why? Again, changing roles to fit different situations is not bad. No one type is better than the others. It’s just good to be aware of, and know when to use the power of the different influence types.

For additional metacognitive self-examination, note if you have any prejudices. Do you promote stereotypes? If you do, why?

Thought of the day.

You have a unique viewpoint and voice. You might just provide the perspective that leads to success. So share it.