Influencer Types 1.1
Who we are is the product of who and what influences us most in life.
We need to be aware of who and what influences us, and how that influence impacts us. Are you aware?
We need to be aware of who and how we influence others.
We need to realize that our success now, and in the future, depends on how we are influenced and influence others on a daily basis.
What it is: Influence is something or someone that can shape, alter or change your attitude, thinking, and behavior.
Dictionary: To have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of a person.
How would you define influence? What does influence mean to you?
Why it’s important: By understanding who and what influences us, we can be more in control of the person we want to become. Highly successful people learn to use their power of influence in positive ways at work and in life.
Primer Questions
Do you think you are easily influenced? Why/Why not?
Who or what do you think influences you most?
Do you have a role model? Why/Why not?
Write down your answers and observations in your journal.
Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, and personal relationships; they’re all a projection of you.
— Deepak Chopra
THE ACTIONS OF OUR CLOSEST FRIENDS: Say a lot about your character—what you’re willing to overlook, what’s important to you when no one else is watching.
Who influences you most?
Most people go through life without realizing just how much others influence them, or how much they influence others.
Watch this video then answer the questions below, or discuss them with others
Watch the video.
NOTE: These videos are designed to explain basic principles. To enhance what you’re learning, try to teach a younger sibling the points made in the video.
Primer Questions
Do the friends you spend most of your time with influence you in a positive way? Negative way? How? Be honest.
Who are your closest associates? Who influences you most on a daily basis?
Who is/are your role models?
What specifically do you want to imitate about your role models (attitudes, mindsets, habits, qualities, or traits)?
Write down your answers and observations in your journal, or discuss them with others.
I’d like to say that my friends are a good influence on me. But to be honest, they do make me think about my parents in a negative way.
— Alyssa (16)

Who or what influences you on a daily basis?
Metacognitive Goals
This week, be very aware of all the different ways you are influenced. Start with the people in your life. Who influences you the most, and how do they influence you? Then identify other ways you are influenced in your daily life.
Based on all the ways you are currently influenced, would you say that those who influence you (including role models, entertainment, and social media) are influencing you for future success and self-confidence? How?
Write your answer in your Journal. Remember, you only get out of this program, what you put into it. The more honest thought you put in your metacognitive assignment, the more you’ll learn about yourself and the possible changes you need to make in order to be successful now and in the future.
Thought of the day.
Look for the good in others. Then imitate them.