Habits of the Mind 3



In adolescence and early adulthood, your brain is in a state of development. There are two areas in particular that can greatly impact how you think, and therefore how you act. We’ve covered one, but will review both at this time.

What it is:

The PFC (Pre Frontal Cortex), is part of the brain that is the key to reasoning, problem-solving, comprehension, impulse control, creativity, and perseverance.

Conversely, the amygdala is responsible for processing strong emotions, such as fear, pleasure, or anger. The main job of the amygdala is to regulate emotions, such as fear and aggression.

Why is it important: In this lesson, we’ll focus on how to use both, being aware of how both impact you and your decision-making, and finding a balance between reason and emotion.

If you get into the habit of favoring one over the other, as you get older, that ingrained, unbalanced behavior can have negative consequences on your success in the workplace and life.

If you make decisions solely on emotion, you could act rashly, in the heat of the moment, and make a decision you will regret. If you make decisions solely on emotion, you may damage the company, your co-workers, employees, or customers that cannot be undone.

Primer Questions

  1. How is the amygdala different than the prefrontal cortex (PFC)?

  2. Does your brain go to your PFC or amygdala when making decisions? Can you give examples?

  3. Why might it be important to know that the amygdala is the part of your brain that processes and evokes emotions - and is part of the brain that houses your survival instincts?

  4. When you respond on strictly emotional bases, did you know you are letting your amygdala control your actions and response? Do you think that’s a beneficial habit to develop as you enter the workforce?

Write down your answers and observations in your journal.

Connection to the behavior map.

Keep in mind that the amygdala might also send signals to the cerebral cortex, which controls conscious thought. The amygdala is also involved in tying emotional meaning to our memories. Memories can act as a reinforcer of actions.

If our memories trigger fear, we may avoid a specific action, task or person. If our memories trigger positive emotions, we are more likely to develop a positive view and habit toward a task situation, or person. What our amygdala triggers us to feel impacts processing and decision-making.

The Battle in Your Developing Brain

Have you ever felt like you react to people and situations solely based on what you feel? Would you say you control your emotions? Or do your emotions control you?

Watch the video and then answer the questions beow.

Leaders are called on to make hard decisions every day. Wise decisions making is the mark of a good leader.

Download one of the two case studies below. What decision will you make? In both situations, make sure you consider how your decision will impact the lives of the people involved.

Human Resources dilemma

Company Merger dilemma



  • Many times we grow up reacting to situations and people based on early childhood experiences. Becoming aware of the mental ‘paths’ or reactions you have subconsciously developed will help you to consciously make new ‘paths’ or reactions to people and situations.

  • Understand that your brain is in development. The part of your brain that uses logic in decision-making is slowly becoming a part of your decision-making process. To help develop this part of your brain, try not to make decisions when you are in an emotional state: angry, frustrated, or afraid. Take a pause before making a decision, and give your developing PFC time to provide you with some logic and reasoning.

  • Your amygdala can help you regulate your emotions. Many decisions you make in life will need to take into account your emotions as well as the emotional impact your decision will have on others. Identifying and experiencing are good. But you don’t want them to override your PFC. So identify what you’re feeling before you make decisions, and determine if your emotions have a legitimate impact on the decision you make. If your friend is trapped in a car that is on fire, you may feel fear, but you can use that emotion to make the decision to help them despite the danger.

Metacognitive Goals

The metacognitive goal for this week is simple. Try to become aware of how you make decisions. Do you make decisions based mostly on how you feel? your emotions? Or do you make decisions solely on logic?

The goal is to really become aware of the two different parts of your brain, and how they affect your decision making. In doing so try to determine if you need to make any adjustments to how you make decisions.

Thought of the day.

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion."

-Dale Carnegie.


Dig deeper:

Understanding the Teen Brain