Collaboration is Key
Collaboration allows us to know and accomplish more than we are capable of knowing and accomplishing by ourselves.
In our current school setting, we focus only on our grades, our scores, our GPA, our goals, and our aspirations. No wonder then, that so many graduates entering the workplace lack the ability to collaborate with others. They lack the ability to add their strengths and talents to a common team goal while allowing other team members to compensate for their weaknesses.
Collaboration is one of the most mentioned soft skills when employers and hiring managers in particular are surveyed. What use is someone who has high academic marks if they always insist on their way, won’t support ideas that they didn’t propose, want to take all the credit, won’t take feedback or advice, or won’t listen to other people’s point of view.
Collaboration vs. Cooperation.
Do you know the difference? Does it matter?
Why is one more valuable than the other from a business standpoint?
The most successful people in the modern era understood the power of harnessing the power of multiple minds and talents. Do you understand the difference between collaboration and cooperation?
“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs
In order to be able to collaborate you need to know your strengths and your weaknesses. You have to be ok with both, and be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of others on your team.
Once you know the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and the team as a whole, you can get to work focusing everyone’s strengths on achieving a common goal. Those who have strengths in other team members’ weaknesses can help level up their teammates. Build on ideas and possible solutions. Discuss the idea of not pushing your idea, but listening to all viewpoints and options. You’ll need to be confident in your own abilities, and have strong self-esteem to do the above.
With collaboration, the team comes first, the team’s goal second. If your team isn’t functioning, you’ll never reach your goal. Don’t worry about being right all the time, or who seems to come up with the best ideas. Focus on what you can contribute to reaching the goal. Focus on supporting the team with your talents. Share your ideas, but be willing to support and improve on whatever idea the team decides on. In school, it’s all about me. In innovative companies, it’s all about collaborating with others to achieve the greatness that could not have been achieved individually.
Steps for Change
Metacognitive Goal
This week, use the metacognitive goal as explained in the video. Also, see if your self-esteem is strong enough to handle feedback and critique. Write down your findings in your journal.