You Are Unique

(Session I)


Do you have brothers, sisters, or friends? Are you all exactly the same? Do you look alike, talk alike, and like the same things? Probably not! In families and groups of friends, everyone is different in their own way. And guess what? The world is full of people who are one-of-a-kind, just like you!

What it means: Unique means something or someone is one-of-a-kind or different in a special way. It's like having something special about you that nobody else has.

Why it matters: It's important to know that we're all different, which makes us special. By understanding that we are all special in our own way, we can appreciate each other better and get along easier.

When we appreciate that we are all unique, we don’t have to compare ourselves to others. We can just work on being the best we can be. We can appreciate ourselves for who we are, and appreciate others for who they are, even if they are different.

Giraffes, elephants, snakes, and parrots are all very different and unique. We're glad they all exist. Can you imagine if there were no elephants or parrots? That would be sad. We like having all kinds of animals around us.

Similarly, there's nobody else in the world who is exactly like you. Aren’t you glad that we have so many unique people in the world?

Primer Questions

  1. What is your favorite animal?

  2. What makes your favorite animal different from other animals?

  3. Do you feel being different can be a good thing? How?

There is only one you. So this week we’ll practice on appreciating how ‘you’-nique you are.

Ask students to explain what unique means. Help them to understand the concept of being unique.

We are all Unique.

Look around your class. Do you all look the same? Watch the video and then talk about how you are similar or different from those in your classroom.

See the activity below.


Break up into smaller groups, of no more than four or five students. Take turns interviewing each other. See what you can learn about each other. What is their favorite food or movie? Do they have a special talent? Have they traveled to somewhere very different or far away?

As time permits, or throughout the week, have students share what they learned about their classmates.

Why Do We Do it?

When we see different animals, we usually don’t need to say bad things or criticize the way they look. We accept each animal as they are.

We see the good in different types of animals. For example, if we have a pet, we don’t all have the same type of pet.

Why do you think some people feel the need to say negative things about others who are different from them?

If you had to adopt one of these dogs from the dog pound, which would you choose?

Each dog is cute in his or her own way. The more you get to know a pet, the more you appreciate, and eventually love them.

The same is true with people. The more you get to know others, the more you can appreciate them for who they are.

If time allows, ask students to choose one of the dogs in the image above and describe its personality.

Metacognitive Goals

From now until the next session, encourage students to learn more about each other. Also encourage them to find traits, qualities, or facts about their classmate that they find interesting, appreciate, or find cool.

Thought of the day.

There is only one you. Be the best you, you can be!