Appreciation and Success 3
This week we consciously made ourselves aware of all that we can be grateful for.
We hope you took the time each day to become keenly aware of all the people, things, and situations in your life that you can be thankful or grateful for. There are many.
While there may be many negative situations or people in your life, being able to focus on the positive will allow you to become a very positive person.
Positive people tend to look for solutions to problems and ways to overcome obstacles. Negative people tend to focus on the problem or obstacle itself. Employers are always on the lookout for positive problem-solvers!
In addition, we spent some time identifying just how much we complain. If you are a chronic complainer, now is the time to start focusing on the positive things in your life. Now is the time to retrain your mind to see the glass as half-full instead of half-empty.
Remember, how you view your life right now can impact your future. Focusing on the negative can make some feel trapped and powerless. In this state of mind, many can succumb to a ‘Why even bother’ mindset - ‘why even try.
Those who can find the good in their lives are usually able to find the good in any situation. Being positive, resilient, and grateful, will make you stand out in the workplace and in life.
Feel free to complete the metacognitive review below.
For some people, looking at life through the eyes of someone else can give them a different, more positive perspective on life.
Consider the following.

If everything you owned was lost in a fire tomorrow, would it make you more appreciative of what you have today?

Do you appreciate the freedom you have to do what you please when and how you please on a daily basis? How would you feel if you were confined and your freedom was limited?

Some people only have a few months or years left to live. Are you grateful for the future you have in front of you? Are you thankful for the possibilities?

When you compare what you have materially to the rest of the world's population, do you have a lot? Or a little? Compared to the world's population, are you rich or poor?

What would it be like if you couldn't remember what happened the day before? If you couldn't remember the important people or events in your life?

Imagine what life would be like if you lived in a war zone. What would life be like for you?
Remember: Appreciative people are more positive. Positive people see possibilities even in difficult situations. This allows them to more easily find solutions to problems than those who are negative
Did you know?
A five-minute daily gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent.
The world is full of complainers. You probably can think of several complainers in your life. Be different.
In the workplace, it is vital that you always maintain a positive attitude. Do this by always expressing a can-do attitude. When faced with a difficult task at work, use phrases like: “We’ll figure out how to get this done”, or “Let’s give it a shot.”
In the workplace, trying, even if in the end it doesn’t work out, is better than giving up before you start.
Take the time to find and appreciate all the good things in your life: things, situations, or people. Don’t take anything for granted!
Make and take the time to express your appreciation for others. You can express your appreciation and gratitude for others in both word and deed. Expressing your gratitude has a profound positive effect on your mental and emotional health.
Some people find complaining useless. Do your best to limit your complaining. Complaining leads to negative thought patterns and mindsets that can limit your success in the workplace and in life.
You have a wonderful future.
Do you believe this? A wonderful future starts with understanding how wonderful your present is. If you can develop a positive attitude and live it on a daily basis, your future is anything you wish to make it. Make it wonderful.
Thought of the day.
There are people that appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.