Appreciation Leads to Success 1
Employers appreciate, value, and hire positive people.
The ability to remain positive, especially in the face of challenges or obstacles is strongly connected with the traits of thankfulness and gratitude.
Employees who demonstrate and express gratitude and thanks build stronger relationships and are more valued than employees who don’t.
What it is: Successful people feel successful because they believe they have a lot. Successful people believe they have an abundance because they appreciate everything they have, no matter how much or little.
Recognizing and being conscious of all the things you can appreciate is an essential factor in achieving success. It is only when you do this that you can begin to experience a sense of gratitude.
Why it’s important: Positive people are better problem solvers and look for solutions to obstacles, rather than focus solely on the obstacle itself. The workplace is full of complainers. You can set yourself apart from other employees by cultivating a thankful, appreciative mindset and expressing your gratitude.
In addition, displaying and expressing your gratitude and thanks, impacts how others view you and respond to you. Others in turn become more appreciative and grateful for all you do.
This lesson is based on information from an HBJ article.
Primer Questions
Are you a cup-half-empty, or cup-half-full type of person? Why?
On a daily basis, do you focus more on what you don’t have or what you do have?
How do you feel when others express their appreciation for you or something you’ve done?
Write down your answers and observations in your journal.
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.
— Oprah Winfrey
Are you appreciative by nature?
This week it’s very important that you take the time to consciously find reasons to be thankful and appreciative.
Become keenly aware of who, what, when, and why you have reasons to be thankful and show gratitude.
Watch the video, and write your list in your journal.
“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
Being able to show appreciation and gratitude naturally, as part of your personality, can greatly enhance your chances of success in the workplace. Becoming appreciative by nature requires you to practice gratitude in your everyday life.
Consider the following:
Stronger social bonds. It’s no secret that people like to feel appreciated. Gratitude kept to yourself can have tremendous benefits. But expressing your gratitude makes it real to you and benefits the recipient. It is also tied to your physical and mental well-being. More importantly, expressing your gratitude often builds connections and improves your relationships.
Resilience. Gratitude has the effect of helping us to refocus on positive emotions. It guides us to take an optimistic, solution-oriented approach to the challenges that we encounter in life. Both of which are hugely important to building resilience. Resilience, in turn, improves our overall quality of life by enabling us to bounce back from the hardships we face.
Metacognitive Goals
For the first part of this week, we want you to make a list of people, things, or situations that you are thankful for.
More importantly, we want you to express your gratitude to the people in your life. In order to do this, you’ll have to be clear about why you appreciate that person.
Also, work on feeling how fortunate you are because of all of the things you are grateful for. If you normally focus on lack, try to focus on all that you do have. If you already focus on what you have, good job. Keep it up.
Thought of the day.
Choose to be grateful. That gratitude will allow you to be happy.