Achieve-Success loop 3
This week we made ourselves aware of our achieve-success loop.
We’ll wrap up this lesson by ensuring we make our ‘achieve success loop’ work for us. We can do this by thinking about what type of person we want to be, and what will be important to us in life, not just what college we’ll attend and what job we want.
We can look at the larger picture, by always continuing to reflect on and determine if we are becoming the person we want to be.
Remember, if you just focus on what your next grade is, you can go your whole life without deciding what is truly important to you.
You can end up in a job that you hate, or a job that matters to you.
But in order to obtain the latter, you have to start looking at what matters to you now.
Prepare to succeed.
There are new industries and technologies emerging every year. With it comes new skills and information to learn. However, one thing that will never change, is the need to develop traits, qualities, mindsets, attitudes, and habits that will allow you to adapt, innovate, and be flexible and dependable no matter what technology you end up using, or what industry you land a job.
Remember, if you just focus on what your next grade will be, you can go your whole life without deciding what is truly important to you.
You can end up in a job that you hate, or a job that matters to you.
But in order to obtain the latter, you have to start looking at what matters to you now.
Do you think it’s more important to focus on what you know? Or the type of person you are becoming? Maybe both?
If you already know what profession you want to pursue, are you developing the qualities you will need for that specific job?
Take a moment to think about what you want to do for work. Think about the type of person you are now.
Answer the following questions: What attitudes, attributes, characteristics or traits will that job or profession require? Do I already have all of the qualities I will need? Or do I need to adjust my attitude in any way? Am I spending as much time and effort working on the qualities I will need as I do on good grades? Why or why not?
How will you measure success?
Clayton Christiansen was a Harvard Business professor who analyzed why strong companies who are dominating an industry can quickly become lose their position and become inconsequential.
What he realized can be applied to how we view success not just now, but throughout our lives.
Watch the video from 4:20-11:33
Feel free to take this metacognitive survey to learn more about yourself.
Thought of the day.
There is so much life after school. Make sure you’re educating yourself for life.
What we know, and who we are, are two different components of our success.
Both take hard work and conscious effort to build and develop.
Don’t study to get specific grades. Study and work hard to develop the following skills: focus, hard work, determination, and curiosity.
View your grades as an indication of your interest in the subject. If your interest is low, find ways to make that subject more interesting.
Our goal is to become well-rounded adults with the knowledge and qualities, traits, and attitude to help others.